Ingrown Toenail
What is Ingrown Toenail and how we treat it
Ingrown Toenail is a condition where a spike, shoulder or serrated edge of the nail has pierced the epidermis of the skin and penetrated in the dermal tissue. Initially, it causes little inconvenience, but as the nail grows out the offending portion of the nail penetrates deeper in the skin and promotes an inflammation, which often become red, tense, swollen or if left untreated can become infected. In most cases if the spike is removed on time there is no need of antibiotic treatment.
The most common predisposing factors are faulty, incorrect nail cutting, hyperhidrosis and pressure from ill-fitting footwear or abnormal nail plate.
At Foot Nurse Surrey we can gently remove the ingrown toenail and give advice on how to prevent this from happening again. If we discover that you have a more serious condition that we cannot treat you we will refer you to a friendly local Podiatrist.